My name is John, and I am 65 years young. I was a Soldier for 21 years then a Paramedic for 22 years.  I did a lot of contact sports till my early 50s, firstly rugby union, then ju-jitsu. My first symptoms appeared in December 2017 - as I typed, I kept missing keys with my left hand from the loss of fine motor skills. 

Our podcast focuses on people living with MND and the people around them. It is about how to make the most of the time we have - because time is always now.

The second episode - A Burning Desire To Discover - is available now.

Our podcast focuses on people living with MND and the people around them. It is about how to make the most of the time we have - because time is always now. You can listen to the first episode - The Wrecking Ball - now.

Did you know around 37% of injury-related deaths are caused by falls?

This April Falls, we are promoting the campaign – Better Balance for Falls Prevention and taking part in raising awareness of the impact of falls and good practice in falls prevention.

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