We’d like to say a big thank you to our community fundraisers for their amazing efforts!

Recently they've completed runs, held Drink Tea for MND events, participated in My Community Walks, held stalls, shaved their heads and more!

  • Doreen Morgan and Lyn Pennock held a plant sale.
  • Truflo Pumping Systems hosted a My Community Walk event, with a BBQ and a great turnout.
  • Lyn Pennock and her crafty friends held a craft stall to raise funds for MND NSW full of handmade goodies.
  • Pappa Sven hosted a movie night in Avalon, showing the film Let the River Flow.
  • The Clifton Old Bar Residents Social Club held a raffle and games day fundraiser.
  • Patti Conway hosted a Drink Tea for MND event inhonour of her friend Helen.
  • Andre Bartley took part in the Corporate Fighter Challenge, raising funds for MND NSW.
  • Seb McMahon ran 102km to raise funds for MND NSW during the school holidays, in honour of his Nanny who sadly passed away from MND when Seb was three.
  • Tim, Marc, Val, Liv, and Bianca took part in the Runaway Sydney Half Marathon, raising funds for MND NSW.
  • MND NSW staff Carolyn Lamb and Brenda Smith shaved their heads to support people living with MND. We'd also like to thank Sarge from Mulligan's Barber in Toukley for the amazing head shave he did for Brenda and Carolyn.
  • Cathy Eggert hosted a MND Awareness, an information and MND NSW merchandise stall in Port Macquarie.
  • Jenny Hawke held a My Community Walk in memory of her husband David.

Thanks to their amazing efforts, we can contine to be there for people living with MND, providing the equipment, education and support they need.

If you would like to hold your own fundraising event in support of MND NSW, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit mndblue.org.au.

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